
Here you can find a couple publications resulting from my work on Deadplay.

My very first solo article published in a scholarly journal (note that it is currently behind a paywall, but it is in the process of being published in open access):

Guay-Bélanger, Dany. “Assembling Auras: Towards a Methodology for the Preservation and Study of Video Games as Cultural Heritage Artefacts.” Games and culture (2021): 1-20. doi: 10.1177/15554120211020381155541202110203

I was also guest editor for a special issue of International Public History (available here, though behind a paywall once again). Here is the introduction I wrote for the issue:

Guay-Bélanger, Dany. “‘How Do We Play This Thing?’: The State of Historical Research on Videogames.” International Public History 4, no. 1 (2021): 1–6. doi:

There is also a short blog describing my project on Ingenium’s website in both English and French:

Guay-Bélanger, Dany. “Rising from the Grave: “Deadplay” and Video Game Preservation.” Ingenium. October 16, 2018.

Guay-Bélanger, Dany. “Sortir du Tombeau: Deadplay et la préservation des Jeux Vidéo.” Ingénium. October 16, 2018.



